Whilst on your Florida holiday, being out in the heat all day can be quite draining, even more so to a child than to an adult. Of course, running around laughing all day is great fun but at the same time, your child could be burning under the summer sun, even if they are in the water. So here are a few tips to keeping your kids from suffering in the Florida sun this summer!
Although nearly all children simply hate having to stand still and wait while you apply the sun cream, it is a necessary process on going on holiday and if you make them aware of this from the start, it will soon become a routine part of going to the beach or ‘relaxing’ around the pool. If you think it will make things a whole lot easier, spray lotions are easy and quick to use; just remember to watch out for their (and your) eyes!
Not only are hats brilliant for fashion wear but they also offer great protection against the Florida sun, both on the head and the face. Rather than buying a baseball cap, try instead a hat whose flap goes all the way around, offering protection on the shoulders and the head. Of course, as humans we lose much of our body heat from our heads, so if your child risks getting too hot, why not buy a cheap hat that is free to go in the pool? Otherwise, if you end up standing in long queues at Disney World, pour a little bit of water into the interior of the hat to cool your child down.
Though carrying water is anything but fun (or light), one bottle could make the difference between a happy day at Animal Kingdom or a not so happy one; as we are made up of around 60% water, it is important that we drink lots in hot weather to make sure that we are not dehydrated and risk becoming ill. Remember, the average child should drink around 1.5 litres of water a day, even more so when they are in a hot climate! If your children don’t enjoy drinking water however, you can always try to make it fun by adding a splash of fruit juice or Ribena (they’ll never know!).
If you’re at the beach enjoying the Florida sun and you and your partner are looking to catch a tan, it is important to remember that your little ones may not be too keen on looking like bronzed princes and princesses. Always make sure that there are umbrellas or some sort of natural shading available before you set down, because you never know, you may just want to join them.